If you run a company in the financial
industry, you do the numbers.

If you run a company in
the financial
industry, you do the

If you run a company in the
financial industry, you do the numbers.

If you run a
company in
the financial
you do the

We’ll do the words.

We’ll do the words.

We’ll do the


When you put a top financial communications pro
together with an award-winning financial journalist
and editor, what do you get?

You get Lexaeon, a team of communicators with an exceptional understanding of the financial arena in which you work…

…and an exceptional ability to help you clarify your company’s image, connect with your audience, and strengthen your brand.

The Lexaeon Team

Lex Nabarro has been a leading communicator in the hedge fund industry. One of his signature abilities: identifying the core messaging that can help a financial firm reach its goals. Lex was senior director for communications at the world’s largest hedge fund. And he is the architect of a groundbreaking website and video that is one of the most well-known innovations in financial communications.

Steve Kaye has been a leading financial journalist. One of his signature abilities: identifying what is important to an audience and then driving content that the audience truly connects with. Steve was a financial columnist, editor and content developer at the national level and built content teams at two leading publishing companies, along the way receiving a National Magazine Award, the highest honor in that industry.

The first time Lex and Steve worked together for a financial client, they saw that the combination of their experience—Lex in hedge fund communications and digital solutions, Steve in financial journalism and content development—gives them a powerful edge in helping financial firms. It creates value that financial clients say they haven’t found elsewhere.

That’s why Lex and Steve invite you to see whether they might help your firm reach its goals.

You apply real rigor to your investments and partnerships.

Lexaeon applies real rigor to your messaging.

Another rare thing about Lex and Steve: They serve financial clients, but they don’t offer services.

Offering services is what you do when a client not only has a goal, but also knows precisely the best way to reach that goal. In that case, a list of services, like at a car wash, is good. As the customer, you just pick.

But Lex and Steve find that it’s basically unheard of for busy, growing financial firms to have the experience, talent and bandwidth in house to identify, solve for and efficiently address every issue of importance. That’s why instead of services, they offer plans that can move your firm forward, and they can execute those plans if you wish. Right at the start, they take the time to engage with you on the necessary level to determine what they think can solve for your “x.”

Then they suggest a plan that ties one step logically to the next. Once you have Lex and Steve’s plan in hand, you can ask them to execute it…or discuss potential changes to it…or you can simply say, “Thanks, but my firm will do something else instead.”

Messaging is not your goal—it’s a way to reach an outcome.

So, what’s the outcome you want to reach?

We’ve talked a lot about Lexaeon, but ultimately, it’s about you, the financial CEO, communications lead, marketing lead, or other stakeholder who wants to improve some condition at your firm.

You know that a path forward would involve some aspect of messaging related to your brand, your reputation, how well your firm is understood (and how often it’s thought of), or the like.

So then the question is, what outcome would you like to see? Is it…

  • Having your firm’s name right at the tips of people’s tongues when a certain topic comes up?
  • Seeing that your branding invokes the values and abilities for which you truly want to be known?
  • Improving your website so visitors really understand why your approach is distinctive or why your CEO is a true leader?
  • Moving the conversation about your firm beyond existing misunderstanding and to what you’re really all about?
  • Having business development materials that achieve better understanding among potential investors or partners?
  • Delighting your clients with updates that not only satisfy regulators, but also underscore your company’s values and accomplishments?
  • Increasing your firm’s attractiveness to the kind of talent you value?

One great thing about Lexaeon’s outcome-centered approach is that it doesn’t have to be an outcome that anyone else but you has thought of. Who knows better than you what the “x” is that you want solved? (No one, of course.)

All you should have to do is point to what you would like to be different.

Thanks for reading.

Lex Nabarro CEO, Lexaeon

Steve Kaye Chief Content Officer, Lexaeon

Lex Nabarro CEO, Lexaeon

Steve Kaye Chief Content Officer, Lexaeon

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